All Blog Entries by Justin Havre Real Estate Team

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Found 161 blog entries published by Justin Havre Real Estate Team.

4 Kitchen Countertop Materials for HomesUpon determining it is time to renovate the kitchen, homeowners must decide just what countertop material to use. With the right surface, the countertops can act as the focal point of this space and perfectly tie everything together. The surface also matters when it comes to utility, as it acts as the work surface for all the kitchen activities. For that reason, finding the perfect countertop material is well worth the time and effort it takes—and this guide aims to help.


Since its development in the 1940s, laminate countertops have been a staple in kitchens all across Canada and beyond. Although they were once made of cheap plastic, advancements have resulted in the creation of high-pressure laminates that are both robust and

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What to Know About Over- and Under-Pricing a HomeListing a home close to its realistic value is absolutely vital in any home-selling strategy. Experts in the industry claim that pricing a home for sale is the most common aspect of the process where sellers make errors. This is why getting an experienced real estate professional who can properly evaluate and price your home competitively is so essential. Here are some considerations concerning over-pricing a home and under-pricing a home, along with the benefits of playing it smart by pricing it perfectly from the start.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a licensed real estate professional before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

Potential Outcomes When Over-Pricing a Home

It's only natural to want top dollar and

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3 Things to Know Before Buying a Historic HomeBuying a historic home gives prospective Discovery Ridge homeowners a chance to be a part of history. However, buying and owning a historic home is a lot different from owning a modern home. Here's what homeowners with a love for the historic should know about buying historic homes before taking the plunge.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a licensed real estate professional before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

Be Aware of Possible Defects in the Home

The older a home, the greater the risk of defects and damages caused by outdated building practices or wear and tear over time. Many older homes have not been sufficiently maintained over the years, so homeowners looking to purchase a historic home should

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3 Ways to Take Care of Your HVAC SystemSome Upper Mount Royal homeowners may know their home has an HVAC system but not know exactly what it is. HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning, and from that name, it’s easy to see what makes it so important to a home. An HVAC system keeps a home cool in the summer, warm in the winter, and moves air around so it doesn’t get stale. Like any sort of household appliance, it’s easy to forget that it’s a machine that needs occasional maintenance—especially if it’s located outside the home where it isn’t seen very often. If a homeowner doesn’t take care of their HVAC machine, it could break down, and that would cause many problems in extreme weather conditions. To prevent this from happening, here are some easy ways for homeowners to

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Which Foundation Type Should Your Next Home Have?The foundation of the home is the building block on which a home is constructed. Homes can have one of three types of foundations: a slab foundation, a crawl space, or a slab foundation. The type of foundation a home has is important because it changes how certain repairs can be done to a home, and it can even affect the insurance premium for the home. Because of this, anyone buying a new home needs to be aware of the different types of foundations and how to identify them. Here are the differences between the three home foundation types.

Basement Foundations

Basements are a type of foundation that changes popularity depending on the region. While basements used to be formed out of cinderblocks, they’re now made with poured concrete walls to

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3 Ways to Help Sell Your Home During WinterMany homeowners try to avoid selling their home during the winter months because it’s a less popular season for both buying and selling. However, when a Lynx Ridge homeowner needs to sell their home, they often don’t have the luxury of waiting several months for a more desirable time. While it can seem more difficult to sell a home during the winter, it’s by no means impossible to do so. Just like selling a home during the spring or summer, homeowners need to focus on the home showings and creating a good first impression with potential buyers. Here are some of the best ways to put a home’s best foot forward during the winter season.

Keep the Home Bright

Everyone who lives here in Canada is well-aware of how little sunlight there is during the

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How to Handle Your Home Buying EscrowThe home closing process is the tail end of a hectic journey for a Roxboro home buyer. From the pre-qualification letter to the final acceptance of the offer, it's easy to miss a step during escrow. We'll look at how long the process lasts, what affects the outcome, and why buyers will want to consult a real estate agent before agreeing to anything final.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with an attorney, tax, or financial advisor before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

A Time of Examination

There's a reason why a home isn't sold the day the buyer makes the offer, and it's so both parties have time to examine the details of the sale. On average, escrow lasts for about a month, though this time period is much more of

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What to Include on Your Home Wish ListFor many Hounsfield Heights/Briar Hill home buyers, house hunting is the most fun part of the home buying process. However, buyers should never go to home showings blind. It’s easy to forget the little things that buyers want in a home or get distracted by all the things they didn’t know they wanted. The easiest way to prevent this is by making a home wish list. Every home buyer should have a list of what they want out of their new home. Here is how to put together the best home wish list.

Wants and Needs

When a buyer is making their wish list, it can be helpful to put all the different entries into one of two categories: want and need. This can help the buyer create a priority for the things they need and decide what they’re willing to pass

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4 Reasons You Should Buy Your Next Home With CashHow a Canyon Meadows home buyer chooses to purchase their next home is a huge decision that will affect their finances and their life. Most buyers choose to use a mortgage or home loan to purchase their new home, but there is another way to buy a home. Cash can be a great alternative to purchasing a home with a mortgage. It provides a lot of advantages that home loans do not. While not everyone has the means to purchase a home with cash, those who do have the ability to pay in such a way should do so. Here are some advantages that buyers can gain by choosing to purchase their home with cash.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with an attorney, tax, or financial advisor before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

Sellers Love

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Backyard Renovation Ideas for HomeownersThere are many things you can do to make your backyard more exciting. Knowing what works and what can make a Brittania homeowner's backyard a more attractive and entertaining place to spend time can help you turn it into a valuable outdoor space.

Create a Seating Area

Backyards need seating areas. The best seating areas are shaded and comfortable even in the heat of day. Add a table for eating foods or sharing drinks with friends. To create shade, install a canvas or an umbrella over the space. For a more permanent and stable form of shade, consider a pergola.

When installing a pergola, choose a vining plant to grow over the wooden structure. Something vining, lightweight and perennial is best. A self-seeding plant, like a morning glory, would

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