June 2017

Found 3 blog entries for June 2017.

Buy Second HomeFrom the great Coast Mountains along the western shore to the eastern cities of Toronto, Quebec, and Ottawa, and everywhere in between, Canada has something special to offer citizens and visitors alike. While all this variety can make it easy to plan exciting vacations year after year, it can also make it much more difficult when trying to decide on a location for purchasing a vacation home. Those considering the purchase of a vacation home and wanting to make sure they are choosing the best possible location and home for their needs, the following points will help ensure the purchase is a smart one.

Does the Property’s Location Fit the Expected Usage?

Purchasing a vacation home may not be wise if the location is too far away to enjoy using it

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Buying an Unfinished Home While Navigating RisksWhen preparing to buy a home, sometimes it's possible to find properties that were started but never completed. If one seems perfect, take your time to investigate what halted its progress, to make sure purchasing it is a wise investment. These four questions help to figure out the condition of a property, and what it will take to finish it.

Why Is the Home Unfinished?

The first question you should ask provides a necessary sanity check to the whole process. Sometimes homes are sold when they are incomplete, and there are a variety of reasons for it. It may be that the owners ran out of money for the kind of upgrade they planned to do, or they were unable to secure additional funding after construction had begun. In other cases, there may be

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Listing in Fall Many people will tell you that spring and summer are the very best times to sell a home. However, if you are debating whether to squeeze in at the end of summer or go with the fall, there are a few reasons why selling a home in the fall may actually be easier.

Cut Down on the Competition

Spring and summer are the times of year when there is a glut of home buyers but also an overabundance of sellers. Buyers know that that is the best time for inventory, so they can pick and choose however they like. Many experts claim that this can be a boon for sellers, unless they live in an area where the inventory outstrips demand. A buyer’s market may lead to a seasonal decrease in home prices, which is not something you want to encounter unless your home is

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