July 2017

Found 3 blog entries for July 2017.

Questions to Ask the Home InspectorA good home inspection can help home buyers identify problems with their new home and can also help them negotiate a good deal for the ideal Northeast Calgary property they want to buy. This article will cover some of the most frequently asked questions about home inspections.

Should the Buyer be Present?

Home buyers don't have to be present for the home inspection, but it's still a good idea. Being present for the inspection gives home buyers a chance to ask questions about the inspector's findings. In addition, home inspectors can show buyers how to work various appliances, give tips for maintaining the systems of the house and show buyers how to make small repairs.

How to Pick a Good Inspector

Buyers can find a home inspector in much

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How Landscaping Can Improve Curb Appeal and Attract BuyersCurb appeal has always been a critical factor in selling a home, but with today's focus on digital marketing, landscaping becomes even more of an important factor. Today's prospective buyers usually get their first glimpse of a home online, and what they see depicted in a digital photo or web tour can determine whether they will want to proceed with viewing the home or whether they will simply lose interest and move on to the next available listing. Homeowners who are preparing their homes for sale and want to maximize their curb appeal should start by making sure their landscaping is doing its share to make their home attractive, more valuable, and more inviting to both prospective buyers and real estate agents.

Start With the Hardscape


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Summer Staging Advice for Home SellingDuring the summer months, high temperatures can stress the plants on the lawn while also making the inside of the house less comfortable. An important part of staging during the summer involves keeping the lawn healthy and making the house more comfortable, which can make a home more appealing to buyers. No matter whether your home is in a hot real estate market like North Calgary, or elsewhere, Home sellers who achieve this goal will find it easier to make a good impression with potential buyers.

Keep Grass Healthy

Grass struggles to stay healthy in summer, especially when the temperatures soar and the weather turns dry. Dry, dead grass can make your home seem as if it’s not well maintained, and can also cut back on your home’s curb appeal.

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