August 2019

Found 3 blog entries for August 2019.

Seller Disclosure When Listing a HomeSellers do have certain obligations when working with potential buyers. Canadian homeowners aware of certain issues, such as mould, basement flooding or unpermitted work, may not be able to keep the information to themselves. Potential buyers should be privy to details about a home in specific circumstances and when regulated by the laws in the province or territory. Seller disclosure should not be overlooked when selling property in Canada, as details can make a significant difference to buyers.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a licensed real estate professional before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

Read the Real Estate Disclosure Form

Sellers are responsible for completing the Real Estate Disclosure form or

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How Is VR Being Used to Sell Homes?Virtual reality (VR) is still a novelty for the vast majority of people. Their experience with it may be limited to anything from video games to pop-up exhibits in amusement parks. But those looking to purchase a luxury home may have more exposure to VR than sellers realize. The nicer a home is, the more VR can show off its quality. Sellers who help buyers become attached to the property—before they set foot on it—have the best chance of getting the unicorn price they were hoping for. See why VR has been so successful for those who want to maximize their marketing.

Extra Eyes

Consider a new home buyer located in a fast sellers market who has seen 10 properties in the course of a single weekend. They may have strong memories of two, vague memories

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Selling Your Home? How to Research the Real Estate MarketWhen the time comes to sell your home, it's important to know what's going on in the real estate market where you live. Having an understanding of the real estate market can help you make smart decisions before and during the sale process.

Doing research typically involves reading articles online, talking to real estate professionals, and making observations about the other homes that are selling in your area. As you're doing your research, below are the questions you should be seeking to answer.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a licensed real estate professional before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

>Is it a Seller's or Buyer's Market?

A seller's market occurs when homes sell for high prices and home

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