August 2018

Found 2 blog entries for August 2018.

What to Do When You Find Unpermitted WorkOne of the biggest perks of owning a home is not having to ask permission from a landlord to paint the walls or hammer nails. However, homeowners may take this level of ownership to the extreme, assuming they can complete a variety of home improvement projects around the home, without qualifying the work with an official authority. One estimate puts the percentage of unpermitted work in Canada at a full 70%, so chances are, there's something in your home that isn't officially up to code. Those who discover unpermitted work in their home can take the following steps to fix it.

Check the Permits

Every province and neighborhood has its own opinions about which kinds of jobs need permits—and these opinions can change from year to year. Some local

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A Short Guide to Buying Your First HomeWhether it's a first home or the first home in a few decades, new Canadian home buyer may not know or fully understand the stages of finding and purchasing their own property. Using this short guide can make it easier for everyone to clarify and work through each step to fulfill their dream of homeownership.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a licensed mortgage professional before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

Defining the Budget

A home buyer's budget is determined by a variety of different factors, and buyers are often shocked at what they can or cannot afford. No matter how much a buyer is pre-approved for though, they'll need to visit a variety of lenders to get a true idea of their purchasing power. A

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