January 2018

Found 3 blog entries for January 2018.

The Papers You Need to Sell a HomeMandatory paperwork for a home sale in each province can vary significantly, though all sellers will need to follow a few basic rules when it comes to the documents they produce. In addition to required forms, there are some documents that buyers may 'expect' in certain regions (even if the documents aren't technically necessary to sell a home.) Learn more what buyers want, so you can start gathering up the necessary documents.

Costs and Considerations

Selling a home in a high-demand area is almost always going to be easier when it comes to paperwork. A buyer may not care as much about the utility bills, the property tax history, or the renovations that have been completed on a property, which means a seller may not have to dig out all that

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4 Best Tips for Selling a Vacation Home in Today's MarketVacation home owners who want to sell may find that this is the perfect time to consider doing so, particularly if their vacation home is located in a popular vacation destination area. According to the National Association of Realtors® (NAR), low inventories of vacation homes have pushed prices to the highest level seen in a decade. While these prices will likely push some buyers out of the market on the lower end of the scale, sellers should still be able to benefit from the lack of competition from other listings at the higher levels. But it is important to remember that selling a vacation home successfully requires an approach that is far different than the one used to sell the standard owner-occupied residential home.

Determine the tax

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Understanding Home Buying ContingenciesDepending on how you look at it, home buying contingencies offer protection and peace of mind to home buyers—or they allow buyers to weasel out of contracts, leaving sellers holding the bag. People often have strong feelings about home buying contingencies, but what do home buyers really need to know about contingencies when buying a home?

What are Home Buying Contingencies?

In a general sense, contingencies are simply terms or conditions that have to be met before the home sale can proceed. If the contingencies are not met, the deal could fall through.

Both the home buyer and seller can ask for contingencies to be written into the contract; when this happens, there's usually a time period by which the contingencies must be satisfied. If

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