February 2018

Found 2 blog entries for February 2018.

Which Home Improvement Projects Have the Best ROI?Home improvement projects can be a fun challenge for many homeowners. It teaches them new skills and interesting facts about their home while creating an even deeper connection with their property. But to really get the most out of each new upgrade, homeowners should learn which ones will make all that time and effort worth their while. See how to spend as little as possible to reap the greatest rewards.

What Buyers Want

When it comes to buying a home, many buyers are more and more often coming to value practicality above glamour or luxury. They want excellent protection from the elements, working plumbing, and safe electrical components. Insulation has the best ROI for home improvement projects, typically returning more than 100% of the cost

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How to Find and Fix Roof DamageChecking the roof isn't usually on a homeowner's honey-do list because of the nature of the job. From faulty ladders to slips and falls, it's the component of the home that's most often overlooked until it's too late. Homeowners who are looking to be a little more proactive can save themselves a lot of time, money, and energy if they take more of an interest in their roof. Use these three tips to get a better idea of what to do about roof damage (and how to fix it before it even becomes a problem in your Varsity home).

Look for the Signs

There are a few ways to tell if the roof has a structural problem without having to get up on a ladder. Check the attic or the crawlspace for any moisture or water damage. If the shingles are starting to curl

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